Tend Tree Consultancy Limited
We provide expert urban forestry and arboricultural consultancy advice to government organisations, local authorities, developers and property owners throughout New Zealand.
Tend Tree Consultancy Limited is committed to halving our carbon footprint by 2030. To reach this milestone, we have generated annual targets to help us stay on track. This is measured in units of tCO2e.
How we calculate that
Annual targets
14.0 t
12.6 t
11.4 t
10.3 t
9.37 t
8.48 t
7.68 t
The first step in reducing your carbon emissions is measuring and understanding where they come from. This way, we are informed as to what actions may make the most impact.
Professional services
Utilities, software and waste
Other spend
Below are a list of actions and the steps we are taking to integrate them into our organisation’s operations. Committing to these actions and tracking their progress holds us accountable.
Actions that we've implemented
Recycling lowers your carbon emissions as recycled materials need less energy and produce less pollution than making materials from scratch.
If you can reuse some of the waste materials created by your business, you can also reduce disposal costs and potentially generate additional revenue.
By using suppliers and products that include reused materials and/or new products that can more easily be reused your business can reduce raw material extraction and increase the value of reused materials.
Steps taken
By donating and/or composting food waste, your business can help reduce the amount of food waste sent to landfills. Rotting food in landfills releases methane which is 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide.
By donating excess food, you could support local charitable organisations.
By composting food, the nutrients are recycled and made available to support the growth of more food reducing the need for environmentally costly fertilisers.
Steps taken
Actions that are in progress
By improving the energy efficiency of your premises or buildings, you could reduce both your operating costs and your environmental footprint.
Additional benefits of improvements can include better air quality, more natural lighting, and happier employees, and customers.
Tracking your carbon footprint is only a click away. Cogo uses your finances as the basis for calculating your organisation's carbon footprint and helping you to take action to reduce it.
Calculate impactFAQS
A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an activity or entity, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), and is a measure of the impact that activity or entity has on climate change.
Knowing and actively managing your carbon footprint can help reduce your business's contribution to climate change and bring other benefits such as improved staff engagement and retention, new business opportunities, and better positioning to take advantage of future legislation and requests from larger organisations.
The Cogo Business Carbon Manager uses spending data to assign categories and calculate an estimated carbon footprint. The average spend in these categories is used to determine the corresponding carbon emissions.
This data is used to understand the relationship between spend and emissions within each sector of the economy and estimate the carbon emissions of a business's activities. While carbon footprints are always estimates, Cogo uses the latest data available to convert spending data into a footprint.
As a colourless, odourless gas carbon dioxide is hard to visualise.
Thinking of it this way might help: 1kg of carbon dioxide would fill a large beach ball (with a diameter of slightly over 1m). This is the same amount of carbon dioxide produced by driving an average car 3.7kms. Or the same as using half a litre of petrol in your car, or making 16 cups of tea.
Individuals and small businesses often believe they are powerless against climate change, but they have the potential to be powerful if they have guidance. These businesses make up a significant portion of the landscape and contribute to a significant amount of pollution.
By turning their contribution into a positive one, the impact can be huge. Technology can be used to help individuals and businesses understand the impact of their spending decisions and take actions to reduce that impact.
Learn more about this carbon footprint methodology and the data that we use via Cogo's help centre.
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